Saturday, August 22, 2015

Zucchini Flower Frittelle.

                                          1/2 cup Club Soda
                                          1/2 cup Cold Beer
                                          3 cups Cake Flour ( or 00 )
                                          12 Zucchini Flowers
                                          1 Egg
                                          4 oz Mozzarella
                                          Salt and Pepper to taste
                                          Peanut Oil for frying

                                         1/2 bicchiere Acqua Frizzante
                                         1/2  bicchiere Birra Fredda
                                         360 gr Farina 00
                                         12 Fiori di Zucca
                                         1 Egg
                                         120 gr. Mozzarella
                                         Sale e Pepe q.b.
                                         Olio di Arachidi per Friggere

In a deep mixing bowl, stir together the flour, the club soda, pour slowly the beer, add the egg mix to combine. Gently remove the pistil from each flower. Stuff each flower with mozzarella  and twist the petals to seal. Fry the flowers in the hot oil (425F) for 2 minutes. Drain the fried flowers on a platter lined with paper towels, season with salt and pepper while they are still hot. Repeat with the remaining zucchini flowers.
Buon Appetito.

In una ciotola mescolate insieme la farina, l'acqua gassata e versate lentamente la birra,aggiungi l'uovo mescolare bene. Rimuovere delicatamente il pistillo di ogni fiore. Riempi ogni fiore con mozzarella e gira i petali per chiuderlo. Friggere i fiori in olio caldo per 2 minuti. Scolate i fiori fritti su un piatto con carta da cucina, condire con sale e pepe, mentre sono ancora calde. Ripetere con i fiori rimanenti. Buon appetito.


  1. I love zucchini flowers, but I never thought to beer batter them! yum!

  2. Hi Kristin, did you ever try zucchini flower on a white pizza? They are amazing but I'm sure you'll love fried too.
    Enjoy Cookin!

  3. I've never had zucchini flowers, sounds good.

  4. Hello Christine, you'll love it! Here are not easy to find but are so good that is worth to looking around for it.
    Enjoy Cooking!

  5. I love fiore di zucca! They are hard to find in my area, but I adore them.

  6. I know in my place too, they are expensive but are worth it!
    Enjoy Cooking!

  7. I will have a hard time finding zucchini flowers but I really want to make this!

  8. Hello, check in specialize healthy store, I asked a couple and they can order for me, or in the farm market.
    Enjoy Cooking!
